Wednesday, 29 May 2013

Working From Home Business Time Management

Have you noticed that your days just disappear now that you're working from home? Do you get to the end of the day and still seem to have a bucket load of jobs left undone? Where did the time go?

Worse still, if you've been working from home for some time now you might be finding that you're working way more hours than you ever did when you were an employee.

I recently received an email that reminded me of some simple steps which can really help you stay focused and work less hours. These tips are from world renowned coach and mentor, Dr John Demartini.

I've noticed especially since I started reviewing my big goals each morning and night I'm more disciplined with the activities I do each day. Amazingly on my second night of reading my goals last thing before I went to sleep, I woke in the middle of the night and saw so clearly that I'd been acting like a little mouse on a wheel, just churning over the same stuff everyday and I didn't seem to be getting closer to my big goals. I realized why - I was spending so much time involved in low priority activities (like checking Facebook, Twitter, allowing people to take up my valuable time and so on). Now it's like I immediately wake up to myself if I'm staying too long in low priority activities and quickly move to the ones which will take me closer to my goals the fastest.

So, here's the list from Dr Demartini - Enjoy!...

  1. Write and read your goals. No mucking around. Do this at the start of every day.
  2. Clear away your goal's obstacles. Banish time-wasters, like talking on the phone with no clear intent or TV.
  3. Prioritize your activities. What will make the most difference NOW?
  4. Act on top priorities. Action, action, ACTION.
  5. Visualize your success. When meditating. When walking the dog. When driving the car.
  6. Write and read your affirmations. Every day. Print it out and put it in your wallet so you can read it when you’re out.
  7. Practice deep breathing and stretching. Make sure that you move stagnant energy out of your body.
  8. Do selective and collective reading. Find mentors, and LEARN their strategies. APPLY their strategies.
  9. Groom for success. Rid your wardrobe of ALL clothes that don’t scream ‘success.’ 
  10. Dress for success. Every time. Every Day. You never know when you’ll next big opportunity. 
  11. Love what you do and do what you love. It’s the only way to life an on-purpose life. 
  12. Surround yourself with 'succeeders'. They will drive you to step-up in every way. 
  13. Drink lots of water. This can’t be emphasised enough. 
  14. Eat light, moderate meals. This too can’t be emphasised enough in terms of illness prevention. 
  15. Reduce the four 'addictors' — coffee, cigarettes, alcohol and sugar. All are stimulants. Some are poison that will kill you. 
  16. Contract and then relax all muscles. It helps flush your lymphatic system and boosts your immune system. 

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