For any online activity it's always good to be aware of the pitfalls. I've noticed for the past few weeks that I've been getting these strange messages on my Twitter account. People I've followed have been sending me messages with a personal message and a shortened hyperlink included. When the link is clicked on it brings up a page which can't be found - most likely because my Antivirus program has blocked it thankfully. I did a Google search and found this informative article on this very topic...
Watch out for These Direct Messages in your Twitter Stream
These are Direct Messages that are apparently from someone that you are following as they are in your Direct Messages.
Messages such as :
This video with you in it had me dying lol
This must be you…
lmao…omg i am laughing so hard at this pic of me my friend found
ROFLMAO i can’t stop laughing at this pic of you
lmao…omg i am laughing so hard at this pic u i just found
haha i cant stop laughing, your facial expression here is priceless!
lmao this video of you is funny as hell, im sharing it with everyone
haha i cant stop laughing, your facial expression here is priceless!
when did you make this video? its hilarious, cant stop laughing lol
This made me laugh so hard when i saw this about you lol
I saw a real bad blog about you, you seen this?
Read this yet? horrible blog going around about you
Someone is posting nasty updates on their twitter about you, heres the posts they’ve been making
I know who has a secret crush on you here on twitter! i promised i wouldnt must go here . . . . to find out
You seen what this person is saying about you? . . . . terrible things..
Hey, so some real nasty things are being said about you here ….. i cant believe what was said..
~ ~ ~ ~
If you were to click on the shortened link then you (hopefully) would
be lucky and be blocked by your anti-virus package from a site that is
probably loaded with either viruses or malware.This is a timely reminder that your PC (or Mac) should have up-to-date virus and malware protection (I recommend the latest Norton) and for everyone (Mac users included) DO NOT click on shortened links unless you have a pretty good idea where they will take you or who has sent them.
This is why the bad guys are hacking Twitter accounts and sending these spoof messages as the unwary may think these messages are from a friend.
So be a social media friend and send an open message to the Twitter user whose account was the source of the message. Please tell them to change their password urgently as they have probably been hacked – it is the least you can do.
Please don’t use the word “hacked” as from my experience you’ll get a lot of messages yourself then, instead use something like “h+cked”
PS So just how secure is your Twitter or Facebook password?
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